Sunday 24 March 2013

What do they say about children and glass houses....

Can't remember - probably just as well since I can proudly reveal the Springfield Project Outdoors first greenhouse - queue drum roll!

If you are bored by jigsaws and need to stretch the brain matter a little I would suggest finding a secondhand greenhouse, having it disassembled by someone, not talking to that person about the rebuild and then spend a good number of hours rebuilding it and fitting glass panels in until it looks right!  I make it sound easier than it was...

Thanks to Nigel and Dennis who on day 2 of the greenhouse build, nailed it - thanks!

Monday 18 March 2013

Big Dig Event

Saturday saw the first ever Big Dig event on Knowle Road Allotment site - the weather was against us but seeds where planted and children got stuck in with a trowel and spade.

As it's a bit early in the season for planting seeds outside, we asked children to plant courgette seeds in a pot of seed compost and take them home to grown on their window sill.  We invited them back once the seeds are ready to go outside and either plant them at the allotment or in their own back gardens.

Thanks to everyone of the Allotment for their positive contributions and to the staff at the Big Dig who made sure we had good advertising and great event guidance!

Thursday 7 March 2013

From humble beginnings...

This is what we started with on plan B of the SpringfieldProject Allotment....

And 4 weeks later we have moved the shed to the new allotment site, dug over half of the site and built some compost bins.  Not bad going from when we decided to transfer sites after weeks and weeks of water logged nightmare.  This is where we came from...

And this is what it looks like site and better soil and far better drainage - I think we can grow stuff here!

Next is to get the greenhouse which has been donated to the Project picked up and rebuilt on the site behind the shed...fingers crossed we don't break the glass....
